Mark Steyn: Lessons for us from London in flames | london, want, book – Opinion – The Orange County Register

This is the logical dead end of the Nanny State. When William Beveridge laid out his blueprint for the British welfare regime in 1942, his goal was the “abolition of want” to be accomplished by “co-operation between the State and the individual.” In attempting to insulate the citizenry from lifes vicissitudes, Sir William succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. As I write in my book: “Want has been all but abolished. Today, fewer and fewer Britons want to work, want to marry, want to raise children, want to lead a life of any purpose or dignity.” The United Kingdom has the highest drug use in Europe, the highest incidence of sexually transmitted disease, the highest number of single mothers, the highest abortion rate. Marriage is all but defunct, except for William and Kate, fellow toffs, upscale gays and Muslims. From page 204: “For Americans, the quickest way to understand modern Britain is to look at what LBJs Great Society did to the black family and imagine it applied to the general population.”

via Mark Steyn: Lessons for us from London in flames | london, want, book – Opinion – The Orange County Register.

Well, that’s that

So, the Senate passed the debt ceiling deal, and the POTUS signed it off camera, and that, as they say, is that.

I broke a long-standing tradition of Fred-6 oratories and my relation to them by actually listening to his little speech after the bill passed, and what do you know, for a deal sold as a big winner for the Tea Party and Conservatives, the POTUS talked about jacking up taxes for the four minutes I could endure, ensuring that people who provide jobs such as a) educators and b) scientists will continue to get the funding they deserve.

Yep, that sounds like real victory.

There are times when I want to throw tantrums and rhetorical bombs simultaneously – that time is now, although I don’t have much energy for it. Instead, I want to shout at the GOP in the manner that Eric Cartman shouted at his mother in the middle of Best Buy after she refused to buy him in iPad and instead suggested the cheaper Toshiba model:

So, GOP leadership, are you guys ready to go out to dinner? Why do I want to go out to dinner? Because I like being treated to meal before being bent over and royally fucked, that’s why. 

This is different, much in the way that Obamacare was different. How is it different? First, unlike Obamacare, the GOP was not only complicit in this generational train robbery, they could have stopped it. Default? Who the fuck cares? Never negotiate with someone pointing an empty gun at you – it only encourages them, and it makes you look weak.

Second, as with Obamacare, it speeds up the changing relationship between Citizen and State. We are now, more than ever, servants of the American debt, a debt whose “cuts” are generated through baseline accounting, which I will not even pretend to understand. However, as (I think) Rand Paul put it, baseline accounting means that were next year’s budget to have zero government growth or shrink in it, it would be scored by the CBO as as including $9 trillion in cuts, even though nothing was cut.

This isn’t Chick Little time, this is the part in any particular Bruckheimer film of your choosing where something big has just happened, and the lead looks at the sidekick and proclaims, “Shit just got real.”

Remind me again – how is giving Fred-6 a couple trillion more dollars to squander on his re-election efforts and the efforts of his allies a big win for the GOP, the Tea Party, and Conservatism? It’s not – it never was, it isn’t, and it never will be.

I am one of those so-called terrorists Joe Biden on down are referring to – one those people whose life is probably half over who understands now more than ever that there is only one thing any sane citizen can do at this moment: shed any and all debt, hide any savings, expect to fund the retirement and medical care of people twenty-years older (and older than that), and watch as people who think as I think and live as I live are blamed for every financial problem this nation is about to endure.

What a fucking country we’ve inherited.

We can never, ever, ever, ever pay back this debt as it stands right now, much less the debt that is about to pile up in record time. The worst part is we are getting absolutely nothing to show for it – zero! Cars can’t drive on union bailouts, and bridges don’t span education initiatives. The country is not defended by Islamic outreach, and my bills and your bills don’t get paid using baseline accounting.

The GOP sold us out and the Donkeys hate us. The few Tea Party members who stood up to this have been branded as terrorists, and the establishment Conservative media is just now beginning to understand that worse than being Judas’s to the cause, they are the spineless Peter: denying again and again the very obvious sellout that was staring them in the face.

My wish list for what comes next? Simple:

  • Everyone pays Federal income tax – everyone. If you get student loans, you pay federal income tax on what you receive, if you get Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps or any other government assistance, you pay Federal income tax on it – let’s spread the fucking pain around if this is a shared sacrifice;
  • Remove the tax exemption from churches, charities, 501(c)3s and every other mooching pillar of society that conveniently brings up Jesus, altruism, sacrifice et al whenever talk of cutting assistance comes around – let’s share that sacrifice;
  • Want to pass a bond for local improvements on schools or anything else? Half the money raised should go to the Federal government. Need $1.2 million to build a stadium? Let’s make that $2.4 – let everyone share in the fun!
  • Since the states are using casinos and lotteries for convenient tax-free revenue raising, I say it’s time to start Federally taxing all that money – it goes into the pit of education anyway, so it’s already being wasted. For every dollar that goes to the State, a dollar should go to the Fed.

Since we’re so eager to feed this beast, let’s get started feeding it. Instead of milking it out of the half of us that already pay, let’s instead start going after that great untapped resource: those people, organizations and entities that have one excuse or another for not chipping in. Too poor to pay, then too poor to play.

If we’re going to get Draconian about foisting our debt off on to people who haven’t even been born, then let’s get literally Draconian – let’s post it on every wall in the country that the taxman cometh, and there are no more write-offs, no more exemptions, no more write-arounds. Why should corporate jet-owners get all the moral certitude of helping the cause – let’s spread that around a bit.

Fury doesn’t even begin to describe my reaction to the sell-out that took place today. We keep hearing it – elections have consequences. When will there be a good consequence for my side? Ever?

Pessimism, they name is King B, and the writing is now on the wall – the end is near. It may not be tomorrow or next week or next year, but elections no longer have consequences. The country as we knew it is vanishing, and we’ve stood by and let it happen. Where my fiddle, for it’s time to light this mother up.

z’King’s political compass

Unsurprising. You can take the test here – I take this every couple of years, and I continue to hover in the bottom right quadrant, typically a few notches below the Authoritarian range and a few notches from the end of the Right line – a classic, American ultra-Conservative, of course.

You can learn about the test and take it here.

Latest debt deal sails through House

Well, so much for that notion of posting it online for 72 hours.

I hate the GOP. They have negotiated downward throughout this process, and everyone who voted for this should be primaried and tossed. This is NOT why we gave them the House, this isn’t even in the same ballpark of why they won so many seats.

The Tea Party – being compared to terrorists by everyone to the left of, um, the POTUS, Veep Biden included – stood strong, and I’m happy they did, but GOP leadership is desperately working to ensure that We’re All Broke Now.

This is catastrophic on so many levels, beginning with the foul, lying premise that we would default if something wasn’t done. The marker of the Fred-6 Regmie is EMERGENCY – everything must be done by yesterday, and in my lifetime I don’t remember more national-fabric-changing bills rushed through so quickly with so much pressure applied to their passage. We are being sold into soft-tyranny, vote by vote.

Well, we earned it, I’ll give you that.

The GOP leadership should be tossed overboard for this idiocy. Aside from giving the POTUS trillions more dollars to waste in his perpetual re-election campaign – and yes, that is all this is – the cuts are minimal up front, spread out over a decade’s worth of unenforceable years – and when the going gets tough, two things will happen:

  1. Tax hikes
  2. Decrease in military funding
Just perfect. Better yet – the GOP will slaughtered for this in 2012. No matter what anyone says right now, Fred-6 won this (or, is-winning this) and they’re too stupid to know it. What a shame.

I’m against raising the debt ceiling – were you to listen to the media, this pretty much sums up people like me

I’ve been looking for an appropriate avenue to express my bemused rage at the current skullfuckery being attempted in Washington, and this pretty much sums it up.



Would The Mainstream Media Be This Quiet If “Fast and Furious” Had Happened Under Bush? – Big Journalism

This is the kind of thing that will drive Conservatives and GOPers nuts if they (well, we) think about it too long, so I don’t. I have a much rosier view of the Bush Administration than most people who share most of my politics – at the end of the day, I think all we can genuinely ask of a POTUS, regardless of party, is to behave themselves while in office, make honorable decisions that are at times unpopular, and do what they think is best for the country, not their party or their re-election chances.

Our current POTUS is exactly the opposite of our former one. I may find his politics despicable, but I find Fred-6 to be a man absent any shred of character – this is why I despise him as a person, and find his Presidency abhorrent – I’ll never agree with his politics, but that is only half the story, if that:

For the eight years Bush was in office it was a fact of life that anchors like Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann could barely go a broadcast minute without bashing him. And the whole of the MSM couldn’t keep from telling us how deceptive and criminal the Bush/Cheney White House was.Remember how Keith Olbermann used to get so mad at Bush that he’d get that spittle in the corner of his mouth but just keep right on talking anyway?

Sitting here, I wonder what the MSM would have done if they’d learned that the Bush administration had overseen the sale of 2,500 guns to “straw purchasers” who were expected to illegally transport those weapons into Mexico and get them in the hands of cartel members? Moreover, what would they have done had they learned that of those 2,500 guns, only 1,300 were ever recovered thus leaving 1,200 in the hands of criminals throughout Mexico and along the U.S. southern border?

In other words – if “Fast and Furious” had taken place under Bush instead of Obama, would the New York Times have reported it as quickly as they reported our phone-taps to the enemy?

via Would The Mainstream Media Be This Quiet If “Fast and Furious” Had Happened Under Bush? – Big Journalism.

Debt-Ceiling Chicken – Thomas Sowell – National Review Online

The national-debt-ceiling law should be judged by what it actually does, not by how good an idea it seems to be. The one thing that the national-debt ceiling has never done is put a ceiling on the rising national debt. Time and time again, for years on end, the national-debt ceiling has been raised whenever the national debt got near whatever the current ceiling was.

Regardless of what it is supposed to do, what the national-debt ceiling actually does is enable any administration to get all the political benefits of runaway spending for the benefit of their favorite constituencies — and then invite the opposition party to share the blame, by either raising the national-debt ceiling or voting for unpopular cutbacks in spending or increases in taxes.

via Debt-Ceiling Chicken – Thomas Sowell – National Review Online.

Distilling Fred-6’s economic policy and various speeches into one simple gimmick

My fellow Americans: Give me your money or the country eats it. 

Sincerely –Fred-6

The Stupid Party | RedState

What he said:

Let’s play this out:

We get to the last week. The Democrats and media say the GOP will destroy the economy and risk our credit rating. Barack Obama gets the debt ceiling increased. He is hailed in the press as able to bring everyone together.

In other words, the chicken GOP too afraid to fight it out in the press will fold like cheap suits and give Barack Obama a victory right before the election. Obama will wind up looking bipartisan.

via The Stupid Party | RedState.

The Theology of Social Security

One of the most chilling pieces of historical arcana I’ve ever come across – considering the multiple cultural, political and moral implications of the piece, it’s also one of the more depressing, but a must-read:

The Great Depression, with its widespread economic emergencies, tested this idea and caused many to desire a government-run economy where predictability and security would be normal because most if not all personal and business decisions would largely be regulated by a governmental bureaucracy. New Deal legislation brought with it price controls on food, government insurance, monetary subsidies for bad years on the farm or in business, tight regulation on industry, new and expensive regulations for business and high tax rates.

Immediately following Roosevelts speech in San Francisco, many theological journals and Christian denominations used the exact phrases of the soon-to-be president in their publications. Many discarded traditional interpretations of key Scripture texts to support a new political theology which mirrored Roosevelts revolutionary New Deal. The close connections were not noticed at first, but after the laws were passed, it clearly was seen that without the church, much of the legislation could not have passed Congress. The president designed the policies, the church applied the pressure and the nation inherited the consequences.

via The Theology of Social Security.