Previously on the Internet … Bedlam/Future Queen Upskirt Edition

God, what a game!

God, that sucked!

But gawd, what a game! When a quarterback can have a shitty game and pass for nearly 500 yards, one has seen something. I hope OSU’s cornerbacks didn’t have NFL dreams, because their flat-footed absence of speed was startlingly on display late in the game last night. No one on the field should be able to beet a cornerback in a hundred-yard sprint (except the other team’s cornerbacks), but OSU’s were burned … twice?!?

Okay, enough of the sporting life – I may or may not discuss it over at the GOC. Now, let’s drop it like it’s hot…

If you didn’t see it, please read the big piece of yesterday over at Samizdata – that shit was so cash I dropped the site into the sidebar. Fun, fun stuff…

Dr. Gina Loudon has some tasty red meat over at Big Hollywood regarding Sarah Palin: The militant liberals don’t like her, but interestingly she has attracted a broad group of people who do like her. Their loyalty has resulted in an organization that is so talented and proficient, it is difficult to comprehend, even to a seasoned campaign veteran. Her supporters are constitution loving, focused and very, very serious about supporting her (or whomever she taps with her magic winning wand)! Not everyone at the Conservatives for Palin were certain she would run, or that she should, but almost all that I talked to agreed that if she did run, the Country would be shocked at her savvy and self deprecating ability to do so. They all agreed that she is far stronger, far more capable than any of her opponents even know. She is certainly well vetted, beyond that of any other candidate. Most people would agree that no other candidate has endured the ridicule and jabs that Sarah has overcome.

Big Journalism has the rundown on Media Matters’ negative spin, as well as a list of news outlets that reported on the error that started it all … Some literary fun over at C4P with “The Captain Ahab of American Politics”I’m working on a piece tentatively titled “An Atheist’s Guide to Supporting Sarah Palin” that I might drop today, tomorrow, or never. King B is fickle, yes.

I posted on Homeland Security and ICE shutting down and taking over several sites over at the GOC yesterday, but Wizbang has a decent bit of exposition on it. One of the relevant paragraphs:

This raises some very, very troubling questions. The first is, why the hell is “copyright infringement” or “counterfeiting goods” a matter of Homeland Security and/or Immigration and Customs? The second is, why was it so goddamned important that these domains were taken without notice (“hey, guys, you’re helping break the law — cut it out!”)? The third is, why the hell is “copyright infringement” or “counterfeiting goods” a matter of Homeland Security and/or Immigration and Customs? … You might notice that the first and third points bear a certain similarity. That is because it is that important a question … This is the part where the professional left will bring up that the Department of Homeland Security was created under President Bush, as was the rebranding of the former Immigration and Naturalization Service into Immigration and Customs Enforcement, so this kind of overreach has to be his fault.

As I commented yesterday, I have about eleventy-billion dollars worth of unpublished intellectual property, so I’m hella-sensitive about copyright protections. I don’t see this as that – I see it as two State (and Statist) organizations involving themselves in something that have nothing to do with their missions – Homeland Security and Immigration, respectively. Sort of like NASA helping the Islamic self-esteem, it’s utter and complete bullshit…

Here’s an interesting suggestion RE: targeting those entities that explicitly endorsed Fred-6 for POTUS. Frankly, I hate boycotts. Like everything else in life, the honorable thing is to make one’s own choices and live with them. Boycotts have become a common thing on the Left and Right in America – there are certain organizations, companies, entities etc that I will not patronize in any way, shape or form, but organizing boycotts should be used sparingly – they are group think often run amok, and boycotting people and groups over free, political speech is not only touchy and overkill, it runs against the traditions that make America rock it like a hurricane.

Heh – Captain Denim has some good commentary about Progressive puritanicals:

In 1956, fear of comic books was suddenly eclipsed by fear of Elvis Presley, whose pelvis would not be the last cause of moral panic. Pre-Presley panics had concerned ragtime music, “penny dreadful” novels, jazz, “penny theatres,” radio and movies. By 1926, seven states and at least 100 municipalities had censors who pre-screened movies. In 1940, NBC radio banned more than 140 songs that were thought to encourage, among other evils, “disrespect for virginity.” NBC would broadcast only the instrumental version of Cole Porter’s “Love for Sale.” Post-Presley panics about threats to children have concerned television (broadcast, then cable), rap music and the Internet.

Screw worries about ethics, R.S. McCain – I have no problems with showing the lovely Kate Middleton’s upskirt photo – it didn’t even occur to me that this could present any kind of dilemma other than whether or not to lead with it, or to end with it. The only issue I have with ethics is how I could be so stupid to not run that one and only topless photo of Hermione Granger that is legit and floating around out there (one word or two from The Situation – Hottub! – Let’s just say that Hermione is packing). Anyway, as for the future queen of England, I love women who wear black underwear:

Carry on, people, carry on.

About godsowncrunk
I'm King B, the originator of the Jellywhite lyrical style and god's own crunk.

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